Latest Scams On Facebook

Check out this new facebook scams 2016 and methods to avoid it. We have shared all new scams on facebook or fb scams 2016. Facebook scams 2016 most widely search term on internet. People find scams on facebook or fb scams & methods to avoid it. Scams are available not only offline but you can find them online too. With the increase number of people online, the internet is getting dirtier and murkier by some group of people.
Recently, Facebook has also been a victim of scams. But authorities have taken steps and are alerting users regarding various facebook scams and how to approach these scams prevailing.

Facebook Scams 2016

Some of The Types of Facebook Scams Seen Online are As Follows:

1) Send Money Scam:

You could get a request on your Facebook from unknown person saying he or she has been lost in an island or is bankrupt. The person request to transfer an amount to his account for him to return back to his place and commits to return back once he is safe. Facebook has informed such scams are fake and there are no such accounts available. Facebook advises to block such messages if received to anyone.

2) Phishing (Facebook Scam 2016):

Phishing is the most common type of scams seen. You could get links from people informing to click to get prizes or cash. These are received either by chat or posting on your Facebook page. This needs to be reported once these types of messages are received.

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