Kids account is a savings account designed for kids between ages 0 to 15.
The Kids account encourages healthy savings habits at an early age and money management. The account is a naira denominated account.

Why choose the Kids Account?
Opening balance is ₦5,000
A non-clearing cheque-type withdrawal booklet used for withdrawal by account holder only.
Minimum operating balance of ₦2,000
Free E-mail transaction notifications
Free birthday cakes*
Free ATM money box*
Win N10,000 monthly for 10 years in Kids Account pocket money promotion*

Click on this link to apply for your kids

Who is the Kids Account targeted at?
The primary target are kids between ages of 0-15
Secondary target market are the parents/guardians and schools.

What do I require to open kids account
In order to open a Kids Account, customers must provide the following:
Completed account opening form
1 passport photograph of parent/guardian
1 passport photograph of the child
Others (If customer wants to pay in clearing cheques)
International passport or Driver's License or National ID card or Voters Card, or Resident Permit (for immigrants) must be provided by the parent/guardian.
Birth certificate of the child.
Address verification e.g. Utility bill, recent bank statement or local authority tax bill etc.

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